Prank role ethereum in Bitkinsky transaction

When Bitcoin is brought out with dollars, it is important to reap, as ethereum plays a resistant role in these transaction. In this state, we will ulbe with the process and where we collect the process of buying bitcoins with ethereum.

Net Ethereum: Tenthralized Platform

Ethereum – this is not the simple currency of the currency; This is a deentalized platform, which allows the broad spectrum of the entertainment, the included inteling counteracts, the unvood tokens (NFT) and the deentalized financial resolutions (defi). The ethereum network allows the policeman to send out and make cryptocurrencies, as well as interacting with the intra -actual contract.

Bitcoin -Choshelek

Ethereum: When I buy a Bitcoin with dollars, where does the money go to?

To buy bitcoins with Ethereum, you need a tsifro koshelek, which will allow the platform. Popular variants are included in Metamask, Mytherwallet and Electrum.

How to translate the medium

When you get bitcoin, use your Ethhereum, this is what it comes out:

  • He sets out his $ 1000 from his own Koshka Ethereum on the address ethereum, coontrolyated kem -o, who wants to reach the medium.

  • This transaction is transformed into the Ethereum network, where is the hacking and miners.

  • The transaction is subgrected with the other similar transaction for the creation of a “block”, which is added to the block of blocks (the main book).

  • How only the block is a watered (extended with the use of the powerful computers), the chapel of the block is posting.

where funds

Here’s where your bitcoins come in:

* A group of mining industriality : transaction is included in the transaction group, and Miner, which solves the naiblya mathematical task, can add to the following transaction block. The miner gets the unacceptable focus in the Bitco form.

* Performance of transaction : Each transaction has a small breeze, which is paid by the network for transaction. This rate is promoted by the supply and costs of Ethereum energy.

* Showing Koshka : When you set aside the medium from your own Koshka on the address of the second person, maybe there will be a stack, the fallen costs of the lines.

Buy Bitcoins with Ethereum

To buy bitcoins with Ethereum, Lining this Shagi:

  • CONTAINS THE KOBILEM ETHEREUM, which admit Bitcoin (for example, Metamk, Mythherwalt).

  • Choose the number of bitcoins that you want to buy.

  • Remove your efir from your Ethereum Koshka on Ethereum’s Address, Combined Sales.

  • The transaction is transformed into the Ethereum network and is rubbed with hacking and miners.


Bitcoin shopping with ethereum is included in a few shagies, but of course, it is a non -mutual and lasting process. Ponima, as the medium and where to go, you can take the unproven decisions about your investigations into cryptocurrency.

technical blockchain
